Healing Culinary Traditions around the World
Surapsari ("Sari") was born in Japan and grew up on her mother’s home cooking based on the principles of Macrobiotic diet. She has lived in Bali for over 15 years and learned local herbal healing and vegetarian cooking. She also studied Ayurveda, the world’s oldest healing and wellness system from India and was certified as Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counselor by the American Institute of Vedic Studies of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Furthermore, she has traveled to central Mexico to conduct research about the healing food of the Aztec civilization. Surapsari has been internationally teaching Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, sacred Asian dances and healing culinary traditions around the world.

Visit Surapsari's other websites;

www.thesacredbalance.com (Ayurveda, yoga & wellness programs)
www.asiandanceandtheatre.com (Sacred dance, drama, and shadow puppet from Bali, Java, India, and Japan)
Copyright © 2018 Surapsari