Healing Culinary Traditions around the World

Copyright © 2018 Surapsari
Healing Vegetarian Cooking Class

Learn about healthy and hearty vegetarian cooking and diets from India, Japan and Bali with Surapsari. At her cooking class, you will be introduced to the principles of healing culinary tradition from one of the three regions. She will show you ingredients commonly used for each ethnic cooking style and teach easy cooking methods that are applicable to the modern Western lifestyle. You will enjoy a delicious and wholesome Asian lunch and bring home the recipes. No prior experience in Asian cooking is necessary.

Surapsari offers 3 hour Asian cooking classes at Sacred Balance Kitchen in Driftwood, TX ($30 per person including lunch and recipes) or in your own kitchen. Please inquire about travel surcharge. The minimum number of participants for each class is 4. To arrange a class, please contact;

                          Sacred Balance (Surapsari, "Sari")
                     300 Lonesome Trail, Driftwood, TX78619
                                        (941) 445-0608